Housing and Residence Life
Welcome to housing! We're excited to have you on campus!
Housing and Residence Life Mission
To provide a high quality physical, social, and cultural environment that encourages and supports the holistic development of the residential student.

Current Residents, Future Residents, Parents, Family and Friends,
On behalf of The Department of Housing and Residence Life (HRL) at Southern Miss, I want to thank you for taking time to explore our website and learn more about the on-campus experience and the communities we offer. HRL offers a home for more than 3,500 students to live, learn, grow and connect while making the most of their collegiate experience. The department’s mission is to provide a high quality physical, social and cultural environment that encourages and supports the holistic development of the residential student and the virtual student at home. With a staff of over 350, in 12 residence halls, 10 sorority houses, 10 fraternity houses, 1 apartment complex and dedicated Living-Learning environments we are committed to providing a variety of housing opportunities to meet your needs throughout your time at Southern Miss. SMTTT!
Teresa Crum
Executive Director of Housing and Residence Life
Resident Resources
First Year Live-On Requirement
All new first-time, first year students, and transfer students with less than 24 credit hours, are required to live on campus during their first year at USM.
Contracts and Policies
It's important to keep up with our policies while living on campus as well as making sure you have reviewed and signed our housing contract!
Living on Campus
Living on campus plays a vital part in your academic and personal growth.
Dates to Know
It's important to keep track of our important dates regarding housing! Make sure you set reminders on your phone so you don't forget anything!